"Hidup itu sederhana, mulai dari tempat tidur dan berakhir juga di tempat tidur".
"Hidup ini sederhana, kamu ambil keputusan dan kamu tidak boleh menyesalinya". (dapat dari film, lupa judulnya).
"Hidup ini sederhana, ciptakan impian kamu dan lakukan segala hal untuk mendapatkan impian itu". (dapat dari film juga, lupa judulnya).
"Orang yang luar biasa itu sederhana dalam ucapan, tetapi hebat dalam tindakan." (Confusius).
"segala hal yang besar dimulai dari hal yg kecil dan sederhana".
"Buanglah kesombongan-mu & rendahkanlah dirimu dimata teman-temanmu, belajarlah untuk hidup sederhana walaupun kita punya segalanya, maka keakraban & kesetiaan akan terwujud". (dari blogger).
Lima peraturan sederhana untuk hidup bahagia.
1. Free your heart from hatred.
Bebaskan dirimu dari kebencian.
2. Free your mind from worries.
Bebaskan pikiranmu dari kesusahan.
3. Live simply.
Hiduplah secara sederhana.
4. Give more.
Berilah lebih.
5. Expect less.
Kurangilah harapan.
(milis tetangga).
"Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana... seperti kata yang tak sempat diucapkan kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu... Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana... seperti isyarat yang tak sempat dikirimkan awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada".
Ditulis ulang dari blog : http://ilalangliar.blogspot.com
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Happy World Book Day!!
A room without books is like a body without a soul ~ Cicero
A wonderful thing about a book, in contrast to a computer screen, is that you can take it to bed with you ~ Daniel J. Boorstin
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~Author Unknown
A wonderful thing about a book, in contrast to a computer screen, is that you can take it to bed with you ~ Daniel J. Boorstin
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~Author Unknown
~Selamat Hari Buku - Sudahkan Anda membaca hari ini ? ~
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Sandra Bullock Joins with Other Celebrity Couples
The rumors say that she is in the process of divorcement with his husband Jesse James. There are so many gossips and facts which show it. If it truly happens it will follow other divorcements happened to Oscar actresses like Hale Berry, Hillary Swank, Reese Witherspoon, Kim Basinger, Emma Thompson, Geena Davis, Helen Hunt and the sexy Angelina Jolie.
New York Daily News releases that Sandra Bullock never talks to her husband again since some months ago. But another media that are Radar Online wrote that she start to have conversation with Jesse James again but through intermediaries. This couple looks like never met face to face anymore. The problem happens in Sandra Bullock family since facts about her husband revealed in the media. Jesse James has affairs with some girls, and they even said that he likes to video his sex with those girls. Radar Online releases that Jesse James at least has 12 tapes which contains his sex with those girls. Jesse James has 4 girls but the latest news said that he has 7 girls. This video news makes Sandra Bullock stress and she said that she does not have any sex tapes.
Jesse James wants to maintain his unity with Sandra Bullock, but Sandra still wants to have the divorcement. Professional mediators have been contacted and try to re-unite this couple again, but Sandra’s decision is still the same as in the news that she wants to divorce. This news probably will still running and always becomes headlines in the media. If the divorcement happens, it will complete the Celebrity Couples who have divorced.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Michael Heart - We Will Not Go Down lyrics
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
150 Lagu Indonesia Terbaik Sepanjang Masa
Versi Majalah Rolling Stone, berikut adalah daftar 150 lagu Indonesia Terbaik sepanjang masa. Artikelnya udah lama sih. Udah dari November 2009, tapi masih layaklah untuk dibagi disini. Ini dia :
1. Bongkar Swami
2. Kebyar – Kebyar Gombloh
3. Badai Pasti Berlalu Berlian Hutauruk
4. Bis Sekolah Koes Bersaudara
5. Guru Oemar Bakrie Iwan Fals
6. Kembali Ke Jakarta Koes Plus
7. Berita Kepada Kawan Ebiet G. Ade
8. Kehidupan God Bless
9. Sakura Fariz RM
10. Bento Swami
11. Bengawan Solo Oslan Husein & Teruna Ria
12. Kompor Mleduk Benyamin. S
13. Lilin-Lilin Kecil Chrisye
14. Memang Slank
15. Rock Bergema Roxx
16. Yogyakarta Kla Project
17. Tuhan Bimbo
18. Neraka Jahanam Duo Kribo
19. Nusantara I Koes Plus
20. Siti Nurbaya Dewa19
21. Panggung Sandiwara Ahmad Albar
22. Rumah Kita God Bless
23. Barcelona Fariz RM
24. Begadang Rhoma Irama
25. Kemarau New Rollies
26. Kidung Chris Manusama
27. Nuansa Bening Keenan Nasution
28. Burung Camar Vina Panduwinata
29. Dan Sheila On 7
30. Kosong Pure Saturday
31. Kolam Susu Koes Plus
32. Kupu Kupu Malam Titik Puspa
33. Pemuda Chaisero
34. Melayang January Christie
35. Ikuti Edane
36. Bebas Iwa K
37. Bendera Cokelat
38. Anak Pantai Imanez
39. Janji Gigi
40. Sabda Alam Ismail Marzuki
41. Bing Titik Puspa
42. Yang Terlupakan Iwan Fals
43. Merpati Putih Chrisye
44. Malaria Harry Roesli
45. Melati Dari Jayagiri Bimbo
46. Angin Malam Broery Pesolima
47. Mimpi Anggun C. Sasmi
48. Biru Kidnap Katrina
49. Tentang Kita Kla Project
50. Camelia Ebiet G. Ade
51. Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat Iwan Fals
52. Impresi Pas Band
53. Damai Tapi Gersang Adji Bandi
54. Jarum Neraka Nicky Astria
55. Mobil Balap Naif
56. Pesawat Tempur Iwan Fals
57. Tangan Tangan Setan Nicky Astria
58. Esokkan Masih Ada Utha Likumahuwa
59. Indonesia Mahardika Guruh Gipsy
60. Zamrud Khatulistiwa Guruh Soekarno Poetra
61. Penguasa Roxx
62. Gemilang Krakatau
63. Apatis Benny Soebardja
64. Astaga Ruth Sahanaya
65. Galang Rambu Anarki Iwan Fals
66. Gang Kelinci Lilis Suryani
67. Kumpul Bocah Vina Panduwinata
68. Aku Ingin Indra Lesmana
69. Gubahanku Dedy Damhudi
70. Payung Fantasi Bing Slamet
71. Surabaya Dara Puspita
72. Anak Jalanan Chrisye
73. Bunga /rif
74. Salah Potret
75. Tentang Aku Jingga
76. Terbang Gigi
77. Walah Netral
78. Api Asmara Rien Djamain
79. Ayam Den Lapeh Gumarang
80. Bunga di Tepi Jalan Koes Plus
81. Flamboyan Bimbo
82. Kesaksian Kantata Takwa
83. Kelelawar Koes Plus
84. Laron Laron Makara
85. Generasiku Boomerang
86. Distorsi Ahmad Band
87. Mahadewi Padi
88. Manis & Sayang Koes Plus
89. Sepercik Air Dedy Stanzah
90. Merepih Alam Chrisye
91. Mawar Berduri Favourites Group
92. Pelangi Koes Plus
93. Pesta Elfa’s Singer
94. Interlokal Symphony
95. Renjana Guruh Soekarno Putra
96. Posesif Naif
97. Sarjana Muda Iwan Fals
98. Berita Cuaca Gombloh
99. Gulagalugu Suara Nelayan Leo Kristi
100. Jemu Koes Plus
101. Tolong Bu Dokter Flowers
102. Kau Chandra Darusman
103. Hasrat & Cita Andi Meriem Matalatta
104. Anak Anak Terang Suara Persaudaraan
105. Genjer Genjer Bing Slamet
106. Atur Aku Puppen
107. Terserah Humania
108. Warik LFM
109. Sobat Padi
110. Bunda Potret
111. Kebebasan Singiku
112. Pulau Biru Slank
113. Mari Mari Dara Puspita
114. Kepada Perang Gong 2000
115. Ratu Sejagad Vonny Sumlang
116. Surat Undangan Rita Zaharah
117. Pergi Untuk Kembali Melky Goeslaw
118. Nurlela Bing Slamet
119. Musim Bunga Franky & Jane
120. Negeri Di Awan Katon Bagaskara
121. Selangkah Ke Seberang Fariz RM
122. Simponi Yang Indah Bob Tutupoly
123. Kembalikan Baliku Jopie Latul
124. Baby Rock SAS
125. Do What You Like AKA
126. Di Dalam Bui Koes Bersaudara
127. Terbunuh Sepi Slank
128. Kudaku Lari Elly Kasim
129. Senandung Maaf White Shoes & The Couples Company
130. Matraman The Upstairs
131. Di Udara Efek Rumah Kaca
132. Mengadili Persepsi Seringai
133. Mengejar Matahari Ari Lasso
134. Laskar Pelangi Nidji
135. Dan Senyumlah Sinikini
136. Konservatif The Adams
137. Mendekati Surga Koil
138. No Fruits For Today Sore
139. Di Sayidan Shaggydog
140. Kukatakan Dengan Indah Peterpan
141. Takkan Guest Band
142. Papaja Cha Cha Adikarso
143. Cinta Melulu Efek Rumah Kaca
144. Welcome to My Paradise Steven & Coconut Treez
145. Mimpi D & R
146. Jari & Jempol Dedy Stanzah
147. Melompat Lebih Tinggi Sheila On 7
148. Langkah Peri Cherry Bombshell
149. Matel Kubik
150. Me & My Boyfriend Mocca
Sumber: http://www.rollingstone.co.id/read/2009/11/26/536/4/1/150-Lagu-Indonesia-Terbaik-Sepanjang-Masa-
1. Bongkar Swami
2. Kebyar – Kebyar Gombloh
3. Badai Pasti Berlalu Berlian Hutauruk
4. Bis Sekolah Koes Bersaudara
5. Guru Oemar Bakrie Iwan Fals
6. Kembali Ke Jakarta Koes Plus
7. Berita Kepada Kawan Ebiet G. Ade
8. Kehidupan God Bless
9. Sakura Fariz RM
10. Bento Swami
11. Bengawan Solo Oslan Husein & Teruna Ria
12. Kompor Mleduk Benyamin. S
13. Lilin-Lilin Kecil Chrisye
14. Memang Slank
15. Rock Bergema Roxx
16. Yogyakarta Kla Project
17. Tuhan Bimbo
18. Neraka Jahanam Duo Kribo
19. Nusantara I Koes Plus
20. Siti Nurbaya Dewa19
21. Panggung Sandiwara Ahmad Albar
22. Rumah Kita God Bless
23. Barcelona Fariz RM
24. Begadang Rhoma Irama
25. Kemarau New Rollies
26. Kidung Chris Manusama
27. Nuansa Bening Keenan Nasution
28. Burung Camar Vina Panduwinata
29. Dan Sheila On 7
30. Kosong Pure Saturday
31. Kolam Susu Koes Plus
32. Kupu Kupu Malam Titik Puspa
33. Pemuda Chaisero
34. Melayang January Christie
35. Ikuti Edane
36. Bebas Iwa K
37. Bendera Cokelat
38. Anak Pantai Imanez
39. Janji Gigi
40. Sabda Alam Ismail Marzuki
41. Bing Titik Puspa
42. Yang Terlupakan Iwan Fals
43. Merpati Putih Chrisye
44. Malaria Harry Roesli
45. Melati Dari Jayagiri Bimbo
46. Angin Malam Broery Pesolima
47. Mimpi Anggun C. Sasmi
48. Biru Kidnap Katrina
49. Tentang Kita Kla Project
50. Camelia Ebiet G. Ade
51. Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat Iwan Fals
52. Impresi Pas Band
53. Damai Tapi Gersang Adji Bandi
54. Jarum Neraka Nicky Astria
55. Mobil Balap Naif
56. Pesawat Tempur Iwan Fals
57. Tangan Tangan Setan Nicky Astria
58. Esokkan Masih Ada Utha Likumahuwa
59. Indonesia Mahardika Guruh Gipsy
60. Zamrud Khatulistiwa Guruh Soekarno Poetra
61. Penguasa Roxx
62. Gemilang Krakatau
63. Apatis Benny Soebardja
64. Astaga Ruth Sahanaya
65. Galang Rambu Anarki Iwan Fals
66. Gang Kelinci Lilis Suryani
67. Kumpul Bocah Vina Panduwinata
68. Aku Ingin Indra Lesmana
69. Gubahanku Dedy Damhudi
70. Payung Fantasi Bing Slamet
71. Surabaya Dara Puspita
72. Anak Jalanan Chrisye
73. Bunga /rif
74. Salah Potret
75. Tentang Aku Jingga
76. Terbang Gigi
77. Walah Netral
78. Api Asmara Rien Djamain
79. Ayam Den Lapeh Gumarang
80. Bunga di Tepi Jalan Koes Plus
81. Flamboyan Bimbo
82. Kesaksian Kantata Takwa
83. Kelelawar Koes Plus
84. Laron Laron Makara
85. Generasiku Boomerang
86. Distorsi Ahmad Band
87. Mahadewi Padi
88. Manis & Sayang Koes Plus
89. Sepercik Air Dedy Stanzah
90. Merepih Alam Chrisye
91. Mawar Berduri Favourites Group
92. Pelangi Koes Plus
93. Pesta Elfa’s Singer
94. Interlokal Symphony
95. Renjana Guruh Soekarno Putra
96. Posesif Naif
97. Sarjana Muda Iwan Fals
98. Berita Cuaca Gombloh
99. Gulagalugu Suara Nelayan Leo Kristi
100. Jemu Koes Plus
101. Tolong Bu Dokter Flowers
102. Kau Chandra Darusman
103. Hasrat & Cita Andi Meriem Matalatta
104. Anak Anak Terang Suara Persaudaraan
105. Genjer Genjer Bing Slamet
106. Atur Aku Puppen
107. Terserah Humania
108. Warik LFM
109. Sobat Padi
110. Bunda Potret
111. Kebebasan Singiku
112. Pulau Biru Slank
113. Mari Mari Dara Puspita
114. Kepada Perang Gong 2000
115. Ratu Sejagad Vonny Sumlang
116. Surat Undangan Rita Zaharah
117. Pergi Untuk Kembali Melky Goeslaw
118. Nurlela Bing Slamet
119. Musim Bunga Franky & Jane
120. Negeri Di Awan Katon Bagaskara
121. Selangkah Ke Seberang Fariz RM
122. Simponi Yang Indah Bob Tutupoly
123. Kembalikan Baliku Jopie Latul
124. Baby Rock SAS
125. Do What You Like AKA
126. Di Dalam Bui Koes Bersaudara
127. Terbunuh Sepi Slank
128. Kudaku Lari Elly Kasim
129. Senandung Maaf White Shoes & The Couples Company
130. Matraman The Upstairs
131. Di Udara Efek Rumah Kaca
132. Mengadili Persepsi Seringai
133. Mengejar Matahari Ari Lasso
134. Laskar Pelangi Nidji
135. Dan Senyumlah Sinikini
136. Konservatif The Adams
137. Mendekati Surga Koil
138. No Fruits For Today Sore
139. Di Sayidan Shaggydog
140. Kukatakan Dengan Indah Peterpan
141. Takkan Guest Band
142. Papaja Cha Cha Adikarso
143. Cinta Melulu Efek Rumah Kaca
144. Welcome to My Paradise Steven & Coconut Treez
145. Mimpi D & R
146. Jari & Jempol Dedy Stanzah
147. Melompat Lebih Tinggi Sheila On 7
148. Langkah Peri Cherry Bombshell
149. Matel Kubik
150. Me & My Boyfriend Mocca
Sumber: http://www.rollingstone.co.id/read/2009/11/26/536/4/1/150-Lagu-Indonesia-Terbaik-Sepanjang-Masa-
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Semua, semua, semua.....dapat dikabulkan ...

:: nakke ero kammanne nakke ero kammanjo..ero anne ero antu jaii sikali, yangaseng..yangaseng..kulle d kabulkang..kulle di kabulkang sagang kocikang ajaib . Nakke ero ribba bebas ri awanga. Hoi kipasana bulo ! La la la nakke ngae sikali doraemong ::
Mari kita bernyanyi dengan nada dasar C lagu dari Doramon :))
Lagu ini saya temukan di status facebooknya intan, hihihi lucunya. Coba dinyanyikan dengan nada-nada lagu Doraemon. Mungkin hanya lucu bagi yang mengerti bahasa Makassar :D
Lagu ini saya temukan di status facebooknya intan, hihihi lucunya. Coba dinyanyikan dengan nada-nada lagu Doraemon. Mungkin hanya lucu bagi yang mengerti bahasa Makassar :D
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Therefore, you should not be worried about playing casino games online anymore because this website has comprehensive guide about it. So, before you play casino games, you can visit this website.
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