Saturday, December 5, 2009

Angingmammiri BlogFest: Get the Blog, Get the Fun

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Residential and Commercial Mailboxes

Sending a letter is still a good selection to share all information although it looks traditional. One important element for receive a letter is a mailbox. By using mailbox we can safe our letters and we take it easily. Nowadays, the design of mailbox is not limited on a traditional one. It has greater development in the design and the size.

MailboxixChange.Com severs you with various designs of Mailboxes. You can order two types of mailboxes which are personal mailboxes and Commercial mailboxes. Commercial Mailboxes are useful to keep all important letters or documents sent by our clients and of course we have a lot of clients. You can use Commercial mail boxes in front of your apartment area so the people living around the area can put their letter easily.

For more protection, you can take locking mailbox with special design so not all people can open it except you. It the same with Commercial mailboxes, Residential Mailboxes also come with various design from classical design to modern design. If you are a busy people and recently get letters from your clients, I think single unit mailbox will be insufficient. The solution is by getting a multiple unit mailbox to meet your need to keep your important data secure in the right place.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Online Tickets Shopping

It is undeniable that once there is a great show to held, there will be lots crowd gathered on the place. And that condition sometimes is really stressing as we will have a smaller chance of getting the tickets. However, as many people say that there is always a solution for every problem, and for the case, the solution would be

Yes, it is an online tickets booth you can count on it for any of your favorite star’s show in any places in this country. It means that instead of spending lots of your time and energy struggling against the others for the limited number of tickets, it is always much better for you to shop it online on this site. This is the easy and simplest way for you to buy BCS National Championship Tickets without any hassles needed.

You can check for the upcoming events at your city or others by looking at the events schedule available on the page. Fid out and buy the Land Shark Stadium Tickets just in couple of minutes from it. Otherwise, you may also enter it for some options of Mellon Arena Tickets for sale. So, anytime you are in a deep need of some show’s tickets or sports event’s tickets, this site will always be your best place to get that, especially for better deals offered inside.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jack O' Lantern

Jack O' Lantern merupakan simbol dari Halloween day. Jack O' Lantern terbuat dari labu yang dipotong bagian atasnya, kemudian dikeluarkan isinya dan diukir menyerupai kepala yang menyeringai. Ukiran jack o' lantern bisa menyeramkan aaupun lucu tergantung dari orang yang membuatnya. Setelah diukir, di bagian dalam labu diletakkan lilin atau pun lampu, kemudian ditutup.

Ada banyak versi dari jack o' lantern ini. Yang populer adalah legenda dari Irlandia. Menurut legenda Irlandia, petani malas tapi cerdas bernama Jack berhasil menipu sang setan dengan salib sehingga setan berjanji untuk tidak memasukkan Jack ke neraka. Ketika Jack meninggal, Jack tidak boleh masuk surga karena telah banyak berbuat dosa. Tapi Jack tidak juga boleh masuk ke neraka karena tidak diizinkan setan. Jack kemudian membuat lentera dari lobak besar yang di dalamnya berisi lilin dan meminta api dari neraka. Sampai sekarang ini, arwah penasaran Jack masih berkeliling dunia mencari tempat peristirahatan terakhir sambil membawa lentera. Jack-o'-Lantern merupakan singkatan dari "Jack of the Lantern" yang berarti Jack yang membawa lentera.

Beberapa ukiran dari Jack O' Lantern. Lucu dan kreatif. Ukiran lainnya bisa dilihat di Kaskus.

Halloween Day

31 Oktober, Halloween day. Sudah sejak lama saya mendengar tentang halloween day, meski tidak pernah tergerak untuk merayakannya. Tapi semenjak maen Pet Society, salah satu game yang ada di fesbuk, saya semakin penasaran dengan halloween day. Pasalnya, item-item halloween yang ada di pet society semuanya lucu-lucu tapi mahal :(

Setelah coba-coba search di wikipedia, akhirnya saya dapet definisi dari Halloween.
Halloween atau Hallowe’en adalah tradisi perayaan malam tanggal 31 Oktober, dan terutama dirayakan di Amerika Serikat. Tradisi ini berasal dari Irlandia, dan dibawa oleh orang Irlandia yang beremigrasi ke Amerika Utara. Halloween dirayakan anak-anak dengan memakai kostum seram, dan berkeliling dari pintu ke pintu rumah tetangga meminta permen atau cokelat sambil berkata "Trick or treat!" Ucapan tersebut adalah semacam "ancaman" yang berarti "Beri kami (permen) atau kami jahili." Di zaman sekarang, anak-anak biasanya tidak lagi menjahili rumah orang yang tidak memberi apa-apa. Sebagian anak-anak masih menjahili rumah orang yang pelit dengan cara menghiasi pohon di depan rumah mereka dengan tisu toilet atau menulisi jendela dengan sabun.
Menurut sejarahnya, halloween berasal dari festival Samhain (dari bahasa Irlandia Kuno samain) yang dirayakan orang Kelt zaman kuno yang menganut paganisme. Simbol halloween adalah labu yang diukir membentuk wajah menyeramkan dan disebut jack o'lantern.

Halloween diidentikkan dengan penyihir, burung hantu, setan, kucing hitam, kelelawar dan lain-lain hal yang sejenis. Bagi anak-anak di Amerika, Halloween berarti kesempatan memakai kostum Halloween dan mendapatkan permen, sedangkan bagi orang dewasa adalah kesempatan berpesta kostum.

Di Indonesia sendiri, sudah banyak yang ikut merayakan pesta Halloween baik anak-anak maupun orang dewasa. Menurut liputan6, di Jakarta diadakan pesta halloween dengan menggunakan kostum-kostum yang unik.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Debt Management to Clear the Debts

Debt Management When we used the credit cards, we might never imagine that things could end up this bad. Today, some of us were being trapped with the debts. Many of us couldn’t pay the credit card bills that we had before. After sometimes, the bills have already turned into some debts. The problem is; we couldn’t pay the debts. What should we do? This is not the excellent situation for us. We need some ways out.

In the internet, we could get some excellent ways out to clear the whole debts problems. At least, you don’t have to deal with the debt collectors anymore. There are many kinds of debt settlements such as the debt consolidation, or many other ways. Well, before you applied for the helps, it would be better if you joined the debt management counseling course. In the course, they will teach you how to handle the debts.

They would teach you some excellent ways to manage the debts without messing up your life. If you are interested, click the to get more information about the counseling stuff. This might be the perfect solution for you. So, when you have some problems with the debts, join the counseling groups to get more information

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why we should invest in Gold Coin and Bullion?

invest in Gold Coin and BullionGold is timeless currency. Gold has different characteristics from other commodities. Perceived value of gold throughout the world. Gold has a limited supply and unlimited demand, so the price of gold is increasingly rising.

Gold is a unique commodity limited number in the world and is the only item that can be mined on the surface of the earth. Gold is also an alternative money with timeless buying power and the value set by the market. Glory and sparkle still fascinating, including the investment world. We can invest to buy gold coin and not have to worry about falling prices, as gold prices tend to be stable.

That is why I am interested to invest in gold because i estimate, gold is a precious metal that has many advantages and has a small risk levels in the decline of trading value.

We can buy gold coin in Buy gold bullion from this site can make your transaction more safety and comfortable. Many of the bullion coins available here, the best website when you are need and want to buy bullion and you can purchase gold bullion here. So, forget your past failure, start calculating and allocate your money how much you want to invest in it

Playing music and enjoy!

It's wrong if there is a presumption that the music is owned by professional musicians or academics. Almost all the gaps of human life has been filled with music since a thousand years ago. Start of the ceremony of worship to the glitter of the evening entertainment. Today, the public interest in music became large. Not just listen and enjoy, interest in learning music is very high now.

Playing music is a fun activity. Music can evoke one's emotions. The sound of stomping music that will stimulate the body to move to the rhythm of rap music played. Mozzart, for example, will bring peace and making more relaxed. Moreover, not just listen, we are also playing the music.

So many alternative music to choose. The same is a musical instrument. Currently popular is a piano. Music trained to think and practice fine motor skills through finger movements. We should train the children to play music from an early age. Playing music provides a positive influence in one's intelligence. People who learn music can improve intelligence and achievement in other disciplines, taught to discipline and improve self-confidence.

Buy a musical instrument is not an easy thing. is a complete online shopping and offers many choices. ShopWiki offered in a variety of musical instruments such as Trumpets, horns, Clarinet and others. Brass instruments, woodwind instruments, string instruments and much more. So, find your musical instruments in ShopWiki:)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Enjoy your life with Direct TV

baby watch TV
We've all experienced stress. There are many ways we can do to relieve stress. Some friends choose go to the mall or trip to a recreation place, some choose to browse in Internet or reading a book. Among it all, I choose watching TV to relieve my stress.

Television is a medium that can entertain or eliminate stress for the audience. Watching a comedy film or music events can be comforting. In my home, i subscribed to Direct TV. So i can view and watch programs on different channels. I do not have any problem about the signals reception because the directTV is a direct broadcast satellite, Satellite Directv.

There are several advantages we can get a satellite TV subscription, such as Because using satellite, TV services of this type can be enjoyed anywhere so far reached by the satellite provider. Already emitted broadcast using digital signals so that images and sounds well received. In addition to TV broadcasts can also be inserted satellite radio broadcasts and other additional information. Satellite TV has become a popular choice for many TV viewers.

Meja-meja Unik

Nahhh, klo yang ini meja-meja yang unik. Jadi mikir, klo punya meja seperti gambar nomor satu, wahhhhhhh (wooT)

Meja-meja Unik
Meja-meja Unik
Meja-meja Unik
Meja-meja Unik
Meja-meja Unik

Meja-meja Unik

Kursi-kursi Unik

Tadi cuman iseng-iseng aja search di google, eh ternyata banyak ya kursi-kursi unik yang lucu. Jadi punya mimpi, suatu saat bila punya rumah sendiri, pengen punya kursi-kursi lucu dan unik seperti ini ^^

Kursi-kursi Unik

Kursi-kursi Unik

Kursi-kursi Unik

Kursi-kursi Unik

Kursi-kursi Unik

Kursi-kursi Unik

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lighting Your Bedroom with Shop Wiki

The bedroom or room lighting requires careful because it is the site of the house in which you spend more time, therefore, should inspire comfort, relaxation, peace ...

To accomplish this, do not need a very elaborate lighting and in other areas of the house, but a good choice and arrangement of lights and furniture to create a special atmosphere for you.

Here are some suggestions:

* Leisure area. Create ambient lighting with a table lamp or a wall light on each side of the bed. If you have a reading corner, you only need a light to illuminate perimeter that specific area.

* If you choose to read in bed this way you will be saving both space and more comfort-you must put some lights on the sides, a bedside table lamp or some application on the wall next to the headboard, flexo type, with an articulated arm that allows us to adjust the height of the light source and intensity.

* Cases. The best is the vertical lighting with halogen bulbs can get on the roof. You can install a switch near the entrance switched and bedding.

* Paint the doors and windows with warm colors. If your bedroom has no windows or overlooking a courtyard, windows and doors painted bright green so that there is more warm and cheerful atmosphere.

* The orientation. For bedrooms orientation, this is the most appropriate for the quarterfinals and baby is the West because it offers more warmth.

* Blankets, carpets, cushions, pillows and curtains should be a whole into the room, and the trendy colors for optimum results are in the range of yellows, browns, oranges and earthy colors.

* A good idea to complete the home decoration is to place candles in some corners, they will create a more intimate and welcoming, especially if they are flavored.

You can find anything what you want in Shop wiki really knows what you need and what makes you more feel convenient to shop. All the product they sell are unique where you can not find it in ordinary store. So, happy shopping everybody :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Idul Fitri 1430 H

selamat lebaran

Taqabbalallahu Minna wa Minkum, Shiyamana wa Shiyamakum
Minal aidin wal faidzin, Happy Idul Fitri 1430 H
- nanie -

Friday, September 4, 2009

Blogshop dan Tudang Sipulung Blogger Makassar

Blogshop danTudang Sipulung Blogger berlangsung sukses dan meninggalkan banyak kisah yang akan dikenang kemudian.

Blogging Workshop (Blogshop)
Blogshop diadakan di American Corner Perpustakaan Unhas lt2, kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2009. Peserta blogshop membludak, melebihi kapasitas kompuetr yang disediakan oleh pihak American Corner Unhas, yang berjumlah 40 komputer. Untungnya, banyak peserta yang membawa laptop sendiri.

Blogshop dimulai pukul 10 pagi oleh MC dadakan yang ditodong tengah malam sebelum acara, alhamdulillah Unga bersedia. Dan dilanjutkan oleh Amril Taufik Gobel membuka acara Blogshop mewakili panitia pesta Blogger 2009.

Pelatihan pembuatan blog untuk pemula dipandu oleh Dita dari dagdigdug[dot]com, dibantu oleh teman-teman dari komunitas blogger Makassar sebagai co-tutor. Materi presentasi Dita dimulai dari membahas tentang apa itu blog, bagaimana registrasi blog sampai mendaftarkan diri pada situs agregator blogshop Pesta Blogger 2009.

Peserta blogshop sangatlah antusias mengikuti acara dari awal hingga akhir, mulai dari sesi presentasi pembuatan blog oleh Dita, presentasi “Menulis, Blogging dan Pergaulan Virtual” sebuah materi pengantar bagi blogger pemula yang ingin belajar ngeblog oleh pak Amril Taufik Gobel, sesi review dan kuis dengan berbagai macam hadiah menarik dari sponsor, hingga sesi penutupan oleh Pak Pak Tristram Perry yang mewakili Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat dan Pak Nooejihad mewakili American Corner Universitas Hasanuddin.

Launching Tudang Sipulung Blogger
Sesi malam dari rangkaian pesta blogger road to makassar dinamakan "Tudang Sipulung Blogger", semua blogger yang berdomisili di Makassar dan sekitarnya meskipun bukan paraikatte dari komunitas Blogger Makassar, boleh mengikuti acara ini.

Event yang rencananya akan diadakan secara rutin sekali setiap bulan, secara resmi diluncurkan pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2009 bertempat di Restoran Pualam lt.3 Jl. Penghibur dengan view langsung ke Pantai Losari.

Banyak yang kemudian bertanya-tanya, kenapa mesti dinamakan tudang sipulung? Tudang Sipulung berasal dari BahasaBugis yang berarti duduk berkumpul/bersama.
Dengan semangat ini, maka Komunitas Blogger Makassar berinisiatif mengajak para Blogger untuk berkumpul dan duduk bersama guna membahas berbagai topik tertentu.

Semoga dengan semakin seringnya kita berkumpul dan membahas berbagai topik menarik, diharapkan persaudaraan antar blogger bisa semakin erat dan silaturahmi tetap terjaga.

Laporan lengkap Tudang Sipulung Blogger Makassar, bisa dinantikan disini yaaaa, nikmati aja dulu poto2nya karena katanya "satu foto bisa mewakili seribu kata* :D

Monday, August 31, 2009

Algebra Tutor will help you solve your problem

When I am at college, I really hate algebra. My Professor who taught is old. He was intelligent but unfortunately not able to transfer knowledge. Sometimes when he is explaining the lessons, I'm sleepy and do not understand.

Until even now, I still do not like everything about algebra. A friend who attended the math major had offered to pursuit of algebra, and I agreed. But the result is i still do not understand.
But one thing is then disturbing me. Algebra is just like the backbone to any field because algebra has applications in all the different fields. So, it is very important to study algebra for our career. Until then I decided to learn algebra online. I start looking for information algebra tutor and I found online algebra tutor.

I'm in the right place, it's the best place for Free online Algebra help that will help to solve my problem about Algebra. Algebra tutoring really help me to improve my algebra. I do not need to move from my room, just sitting in front of the computer and I can learn about algebra. This is very helpful in saving transportation costs and save my time. Live tutors are available around the clock, 24 / 7 365 for Algebra help. If you have problems with Algebra 2, there is Algebra 2 Help.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tudang Sipulung Blogger Makassar

Info lengkap tentu saja :

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Car and our lifestyle

Many people assume that the car function just for transportation, to help us move from one place to another place quickly, safely and comfortably. In fact, more than that, the car has a range of functions that we do not know.

Car and our lifestyleFor you who have a family, the car can be a very good medium to build a harmonious family. Set certain times to go along with the family with your car. The atmosphere of togetherness in the travel time can reinforce communication with family members.

For the gregarious, the car can be function as a medium of adding a friend. Now, there are a lot of communities for car fans. In automotive communities like this we can socialize, build friendships with fellow car users.

"Determine his status by his car" the sentence always be heard. There are many reasons why someone felt it necessary to have a car. related to the job is one of the most important reason. As a symbol of status, is the reason for young people who like to socialize. someone even has a car just for collection only.

In Makassar, which is a metropolitan city, a lot of cars thatch ago in protocol streets. But cars such as BMW, Chevrolet Camaro, or Marcedes Benz, they are very rarely to seen. That cars are still classified as a luxury cars. Different with the truck, which is very easy to find even in the gangway. Most of Makassar city's inhabitant have a job as a traders who are so requires transportation such as truck to transport their commodity from one place to another place.

Monday, August 10, 2009

~ no title ~

A dismal Monday .....
really, really missing you ....

Di daun yang ikut mengalir lembut
Terbawa sungai ke ujung mata
Dan aku mulai takut terbawa cinta
Menghirup rindu yang sesakkan dada

Jalanku hampa dan ku sentuh dia
Terasa hangat oh di dalam hati
Ku pegang erat dan ku halangi waktu
Tak urung jua ku lihatnya pergi

Tak pernah kuragu dan slalu ku ingat
Kerlingan matamu dan sentuhan hangat
Ku saat itu takut mencari makna
Tumbuhkan rasa yang sesakkan dada

Kau datang dan pergi oh begitu saja
Semua ku trima apa adanya
Mata terpejam dan hati menggumam
Di ruang rindu kita bertemu

Kau datang dan pergi oh begitu saja
Semua ku trima apa adanya
Mata terpejan dan hati menggumam
Di ruang rindu kita bertemu


Friday, August 7, 2009

Stainless steel for minimalist home design

A home is one of the important things in building a family. A comfortable home would make a stand all the people, even in a trip we always hopes to return quickly gathered our family together. A comfortable home not always have a luxurious home with all the facilities there, but the home is quiet and can provide security.
There are several types of design houses that are popular at this time. The most interesting my attention is minimalist design. What's the interesting in minimalist home design? Simple, elegant, and stylish.
modern minimalist designSo how about the election furniture?
Elections of furniture and electronic goods for the family room to support your simple and modern design and provide a broad impression, your furniture should be simple and as much as possible adjusted proportion with the size of your living room, it is recommended to use a custom furniture that will match for your family. For electronics, try to choose who does not take too much space and fit the theme of family rooms, modern and simple.

To be consistent with the overall design concept of the building, of course, the selected furniture in the house minimalist must also simple and minimal ornament. Maintain practical and functional elements to be key in the basic minimalist house ornament. For your style of living, modern and practical, choose furniture that does not require much care, but durable.

An example of furniture that can be used to minimalist home design is Blomus stainless steel. You can use Blomus Chrome Basket, Blomus Stainless Steel Coffee Canister, or Blomus Stainless Steel Salt Mill that will make your kitchen look more interesting. For outdoor, you can use Blomus Stainless Steel Pinwheel, Blomus Stainless Steel Matte Garden Globes or Blomus Stainless Steel Candle Lantern.

Most of person, who has responsibility to material inventory stock, knows that stainless steel material is simple, stylish, and looks glamours. All of stainless steel product only needs low maintenance. With regular care, it will not rust and last a lifetime. Products who made from stainless steel does not stain, corrode, or rust as easily as ordinary steel.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Selamat jalan, Mbah Surip dan Bapak Yasin Limpo

Selamat jalan, Mbah Surip dan Bapak Yasin Limpo
Tak gendong kemana-mana
Tak gendong kemana-mana
Enak donk, mantep donk
Daripada kamu naik pesawat kedinginan
Mendingan tak gendong to
Enak to, mantep to
Ayo.. Kemana

Sekarang tak ada lagi yang akan menggendong kita kemana-mana, karena pemilik dan pencipta lagu tersebut telah dipanggi Yang Maha Kuasa. Mbah Surip berpulang pada hari ini, 04 Agustus 2009, pk 10.30 WIB di Rumah sakit Pusdikkes, Jakarta Timur dan hingga saat ini belum diketahui secara pasti apa sebenarnya penyebabnya.

Awal Kehidupan Mbah Surip Mbah Surip dilahirkan pada tanggal 5 Mei 1949 di Mojokerto Jawa Timur. Dilahirkan dengan nama Urip Ariyanto. Saat ini Mbah Surip berstatus duda dengan empat anak dan sekaligus juga sebagai kakek dengan empat cucu. Menurut pengakuannya Mbah Surip termasuk orang yang senang sekolah, Mbah Surip memiliki ijazah SMP, ST, SMEA, STM, Drs. sama insinyur dan MBA. Selain sebagai penyanyi, Mbah SUrip pernah merasakan pengalaman bekerja di bidang pengeboran minyak, tambang berlian, emas, dan lain-lain bahkan pernah bekerja di luar negeri seperti Kanada, Texas, Yordania dan California. Namun Merasa nasibnya kurang baik, Mbah Surip mencoba peruntungan dengan pergi ke Jakarta. Di Ibukota Jakarta, ia bergabung dengan beberapa komunitas seni seperti Teguh Karya, Aquila, Bulungan, dan Taman Ismail Marzuki. Pada suatu waktu, nasib menentukan lain. Mbah Surip mendapat kesempatan untuk rekaman dan akhirnya meraih kesuksesan seperti sekarang. Perjalanan di Dunia Musik Dalam perjalanan musiknya Mbah Surip telah mengeluarkan beberapa album musik. Album rekamannya dimulai dari tahun 1997 diantaranya, Ijo Royo-royo (1997), Indonesia I (1998), Reformasi (1998), Tak Gendong (2003) dan barang Baru (2004). Namun ternyata lagu Tak Gendong diciptakan pada tahun 1983 saat Mbah Surip bekerja di Amerika Serikat.Hmm.. Mbah Surip tampil juga lewat video klip “Witing Trisno” karangan Tony Q Rastafara di MTV. (Sumber : Forum detik)

Mbah Surip meninggal di puncak popularitasnya, dan biasanya orang-orang yang seperti itu akan selalu di kenang. Lihat saja Nike Ardilla *irik2 para penggemar Nike Ardilla*. Bisakah kita meneladani kisah Mbah Surip, meraih kesuksesan di akhir hidupnya dan mampukah kita meraih kesuksesan sebelum kita dipanggil olehNya? Dan sekarang, siapa lagi yang akan menggendong kita kemana-mana? >.< style="font-style: italic;">"Tidaklah seorang muslim yang ditimpa sakit atau sejenisnya, melainkan Allah akan menggugurkan bersamanya dosa-dosanya, seperti pepohon menggugurkan daun-daunnya" (HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Menurut Tribun Timur, Yasin Limpo wafat di Rumah Sakit Grestelina, Makassar, tanggal 04 Agustus 2009, sekitar pukul 12.05. Almarhum menghembuskan nafas terakhir di hadapan istri dan putra-putrinya. Termasuk Gubernur Syahrul Yasin Limpo. Dan sekarang disemayamkan di rumah duka di jalan H. Bau.
Setelah sempat direncanakan untuk dimakamkan di kampung halamannya di Limbung, keluarga akhirnya memutuskan Yasin Limpo dimakamkan di Makassar. Yakni, di Taman Makam Pahlawan Panaikang. Almarhum akan dimakamkan besok, Rabu 5 Agustus 2009, sebelum Duhur.

Selamat jalan Mbah Surip dan Bapak Yasin Limpo, doa kami menyertai ....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Reuni menyenangkan di akhir pekan

Rasanya menyenangkan sekali, kembali merasakan aura seorang analis kimia. Selama ini saya terlalu larut dengan internet, blog dan segala macam hal yang berhubungan dengan dunia maya tersebut. Dan saya melupakan bahwa pada dasarnya saya adalah seorang analis :) Saya sudah lupa dengan segala macam pembicaraan tentang laboratorium, zat-zat kimia dan segala hal yang berhubungan dengan analis. Reuni malam minggu kemaren, kembali mengingatkan saya tentang asyiknya menyibukkan diri di belakang meja laboratorium, mencampur bahan-bahan kimia, menitrasi, menghitung kadar dan lain-lain.

Terima kasih kepada kanda Andi Udin saransi yang telah jauh-jauh datang dari Bali, untuk mengikuti Reuni dan malam ramah tamah di kampus SMAK pampang, terima kasih atas ole2nya *dapet tas bali, sendal bali dan daster bali* hehehheh

Reuni kedua berlangsung di Mall Panakukkang. Berkumpul di Texas Chicken dan kemudian berpindah tempat ke Bumbu Desa untuk makan malam. Terima kasih buat k batti' yang menjadi donatur pada malam itu, kenyangku pulang hehehehe Malam yang menyenangkan dengan obrolan-obrolan seru :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tentang sedekah, maaf dan terima kasih

- tentang sedekah -
Kemarin, entah bagaimana caranya saya 'tersesat' di blog deen. Saya tersadar, sudah lama skali saya tidak pernah berkunjung ke blog itu, semenjak saya malas blogwalking, padahal blog ini pernah menjadi blog favorit selain blog punya daeng Rusle. Saya selalu suka cara deen menulis, indah dan penuh makna. Dan kemarin, kembali saya tertampar oleh sebuah postingan di bulan Mei "Upah lupa sedekah'. Saya tiba2 teringat berminggu yang lalu, ketika sedang makan bubur ayam di pinggir pantai berdua intan dalam keadaan basah kuyup, dan seorang anak penjual koran datang menghampiri. "korannya, kak", "nda ji dek" kata saya sambil melambaikan tangan. "Tolong beli kak" katanya memelas, dan saya dengan angkuhnya tetap mengatakan 'tidak' bahkan tanpa menoleh memandang wajahnya yang saya yakin, pasti memohon. Beberapa kali dia mengulang kata itu, dan saya tetap bilang, tidak!
Alangkah angkuh dan sombongnya saya, tak ada niat untuk berbagi rejeki dan menolong seorang adek kecil yang mungkin saja membutuhkan uang untuk membeli makanan, atau bayar sekolah atau apapun kebutuhan lainnya. T_T Maafkan ya Allah ... Benar kata deen "Seolah2 hati ini telah mengeras dan membatu hingga setiap mata mengiba dan tangan berharap tidak kunjung mampu menggugah kepedulian sy"

- tentang maaf -
M.A.A.F, hanya 4 huruf ya, tapi alangkah susahnya mengeluarkan 4 huruf itu. Insiden dengan teman kemaren mengingatkan saya, betapa saya hanya butuh kata maaf, dan semua masalah akan beres. Saya akan melupakan dan semua akan kembali berjalan seperti semula. Hanya itu. tetapi kemudian saya tersentak. Jika hanya untuk hal sekecil itu saya membutuhkan kata 'Maaf', bagaimana denga kesalahan lainnya yang telah saya lakukan kepada teman yang lain dan saya tidak pernah mengucap maaf untuk itu?? T_T Maafkan saya.

- tentang terima kasih -
Kelihatannya sepele ya, hanya mengucapkan kata terima kasih saja. Tapi terkadang kita tidak sadar, kata ini sangat besar artinya buat orang yang ditujukan. Kenapa saya tidak pernah membiasakan diri untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada setiap hal kecil yang telah dilakukan orang lain untuk saya? atau setiap jasa yang telah gunakan? Maafkan saya T_T

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Save Your Letter

Do we ask ourselves, when the last time we send a letter? Send a letter by writing on a paper using a pen, not by email or sms services? Have we visit the post office in our city and find the fact that the post office is very quiet?
Long time ago, when I was elementary school and Junior High School, correspondence was developed. It is very happy and proud, when getting a letter from our pen friend. But now, with the email or sms, we lost our habit to send a letter each other.

However, a letter cannot be separated from our lives. Receive wessel, salary check, internet bill, electricity or financial reports per month savings from private banks, and for that we need a mailbox.

There are a variety of mailbox service offered on the internet. One of them is It does not matter, if you live in the apartment. have an apartment mailboxes product that they can purchase for your apartment. In addition, other services available such as Cluster Mailboxes, Single-Unit Mailbox & Post Packages, Commercial Mailboxes, Post Mount Mailboxes, and many more types of mailboxes.
So what are you waiting for? Make sure you secure your letter using the mailbox

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Kenapa tiba-tiba saja, tiada angin tiada hujan, saya membicarakan sebuah lagu jadul? Jawabannya karna iQko. Tanya saja sama iQko, kenapa dia tiba-tiba menyanyikan lagu itu. Dan jangan salahkan saya apabila akhirnya memori saya terusik dan saya jadi tiba-tiba mellow, posting lagu ini ditambah lagi menyanyikan bagian reff dari lagu ini sepanjang sore.

Lagu ini pernah sangat populer sekitar tahun 90-an, dilantunkan oleh Memes dan diproduseri Adi 'KLA' Adrian.

Segala cintaku yang kau jala
Membawa dirikupun percaya
Memberikan hatiku
Hanya kepada dirimu slamanya
Sampai kapan jua
Menjaga sgala rasamu
Agar dirimu selalu merasa
Akan cinta kita

Apakah diriku yang bersalah
Hingga pisah di depan mata
Tetapi diriku masih
Tetap cinta kamu kasih slamanya
Sampai kapan jua
Menjaga cinta kita
Agar tetap di tempatnya sehingga
Takkan sampai punah

Seribu ragu yang kian menyerang
Tapi diriku terlanjur sayang
Walau arah mata angin melawan
Tapi ku bertahan dan kuberjalan

Santun berkata kaupun menanyakan
Mengapa cinta dipertahankan
Tetapi haruskah dipertanyakan
Bila kuterlanjur kuterlanjur sayang

3 Tahun P!

Kemarin, saya menghadiri seminar International yang diadakan oleh Panyingkul! bekerjasama dengan Japan Foundarion dan Pusat Kajian Kebudayaan Unhas, dalam rangka memperingati 3 tahun berdirinya P!
Seminarnya menarik sekali, yang berbicara adalah orang-orang hebat. Prof. Dr. Aiko Kurasawa dengan "Why Ordinary People Matters in History?", Saya suka cara beliau membawakan materi, suaranya halus dan bahasa Indonesianya lancar. Selain itu ada beberapa narasumber lain, Mr. Kiyoyuki Wakita, Mr. Isao Matsuda, Dr. Stephen Donovan, Meta Sekar Pudji Astuti MA, Prof. Bambang Purwanto, dan Lily Yulianti Farid MA.
Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan saya tertarik ikut seminar ini.
  • Pertama adalah kata Japan. Sejak dulu saya punya impian, suatu saat saya bisa berkunjung ke Jepang, Negeri Sakura. Dan tentu saja saya tidak melewatkan kesempatan untuk mendengarkan dan memperoleh pengetahuan tentang negara tersebut, meskipun dalam konteks sejarah, ya sejarah, karna yang dibahas di Seminar ini adalah hubungan Jepang dan Indonesia jaman dulu, jaman perang.
  • Yang kedua, saya ingin mendengarkan orang Jepang berbicara secara langsung, entah itu dalam bahasa Jepang ataupun dalam bahasa Indonesia. Dan kemarin, saya mendengar para narasumber berbicara dalam kedua bahasa tersebut :D
  • Alasan ketiga sangat sepele, karna nama prof. Aiko :D Saya suka nama Aiko, sejak dulu, entah kenapa hahahahah
  • Yang terakhir adalah alasan yang amat sangat norak hahahahah karna dapat makan siang GRATIS hahahaha
Sayang sekali, saya tidak dapat mengikuti acara sampai selesai, ada janji pertemuan di Gubernuran *dengan orang Jepang juga*, dan ini tidak bisa ditolak karna kerjaan kantor. Padahal sesi terakhir sangat menarik, "Personal Archiving Project, Opportunities and Challenges" oleh Dr. Stephen Donovan. Tapi ya, mau gimana lagi hehheheh berharap saja dapat soft file dari pihak panitia. Btw, selamat ulang tahun ke-3 buat Panyingkul! semoga makin jaya :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Invest Your Asset In Gold

Sometimes the young people never think about their future such as pension funds. Welfare on pension day is a longed for each person. This instinct is seen from the attitude and action almost every individual to try to increase their incomes in various ways to set aside or invested for their future goals. In general, all families have the desire to prepare for the retirement period, but often do not have a real purpose in financial. How to prepare for retirement when we are still young? To prepare for the pension, there are many ways, such us, the old age insurance program, retirement program from company's pension fund, following the retirement program's Jamsostek, or we can prepare it with our own style.

"If there is more money, buy gold ...", my mother often speak about that. One way to invest is join with gold IRA. Gold is an important asset. An IRA is a long term investment. There are two type in gold IRA, the IRA gold American Eagles and Gold proof American gold Eagles.
If you want to know how to put gold Into an IRA, you can visit According to me, investment of 401k gold or gold 401k is great and one of the smartest things you can do for your retirement.

Prepare Your Pension Now

I am a woman and I am 28 years old now. Sometimes I think about my future, will I pass my pension quietly? Enjoy old age with serenity is everyone's dream. We have to start from now to realize it. Try to attention what is happening lately, so many young couples who still ask their parents to support their lives, including their financial sector.

When should we start to plan our retirement? There is no definitive time to start it, but quickly began to set aside the funds, will be the better and more affordable for the funds needed.

One way to prepare for Pension plans is join the IRA gold. Gold IRA is the secret to a secure retirement plan. How to put gold in an IRA? You can visit the web to ask them first if you are allowed to add gold to your current IRA or you can request an account of IRA gold or 401k gold. I think, investment of gold 401k is great planning to safe your money.

Direct TV Save My Life :)

Indonesia consist of thousands islands, big islands and small islands. Among these islands, any islands are located in the middle of the sea and very far from the crowd. Those who live in an isolated island, sometimes out of date of information or news.

I have experience about that. Visit an isolated island in Indonesia, and missed the latest news. You don't know what is happening in the world at this time.

I lived in Makassar, a Metropolitan city. My parents live in Palopo, a small town which is 400 km far from Makassar City. Sometimes, when I visit to my parent's home, I worry if I missed the hottest news or information. Therefore, I recommend to my parents subscribed to Direct TV. We can register easily in the Direct TV System, with six options. An excess of the DirectTV is DVR service fee, Direct TV Service will be ready. Now, although I am at my parent's home, I can still watch the latest news or my favorite programs on direct TV. Direct TV save my life hahahaha ...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Holiday ^^

It's long week end now in Indonesia. July 18th is Saturday, July 20th is Sunday and July 21th is Isra Mi'raj of prophet Muhammad SAW. So, it's long week end.

What are you doing in holiday?

For me, holiday is time to have fun. I can relax at home without thinking about work. Spend more time at home is more fan than to go to Mall or go to a place like beach. I do not like crowded places. I prefer blogging, reading books, watching DVD or just watching TV then go to shopping in Mall.

I am a gamer, and i like to play online game. Sometimes, play a game spend most of my time. I also really like watching TV. It is fun lying in comfortably bed while watch a favorite program. In my home, my parents subscribed to Direct TV. So i can view and watch programs on different channels. I do not have any problem about the signals and reception because direct TV is a direct broadcast satellite, Satellite Directv. If you are interested, Visit for more information about Direct Satellite TV .

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beda Notebook dan Netbook

Sebut saya gaptek, sebut saya gagap istilah atau apapun itu, tapi saya memang baru tau HARI INI, JAM INI, DETIK INI, bahwa selain notebook, ada juga yang di sebut dengan netbook. Setelah search kiri kanan, akhirnya saya paham beberapa perbedaan mendasar antara dua item tersebut.

Notebook sering juga disebut Laptop, pada umumnya memiliki ukuran layar minimal 10 inch dan masksimal 17 inch. Sedangkan Netbook lebih kecil daripada Notebook, ukuran layarnya berkisar antara 7 - 10 inch. Karena ukuran yang kecil, tentu saja Netbook tidak memiliki optical disk drive dan hanya mengandalkan slot USB.

Perbedaan lainnya adalah pada fungsi dan kegunaannya. Penggunaan Netbook lebih ditekankan pada aplikasi internet dan wireless communication. Karna itulah setiap Netbook harus memiliki fasilitas wi-fi. Netbook lebih cocok digunakan untuk berinternet, mengetik, mendengarkan musik ataupun video, sedngkan Notebook lebih ke hal-hal yang membutuhkan resolusi tinggi atau untuk menciptakan suatu konten seperti mengedit video dan gambar, desain grafis dan lain-lain.

Menurut saya sih, netbook memang lebih di peruntukkan untuk para pengguna pemula misalnya anak sekolah ataupun Ibu Rumah Tangga, sedangkan Notebook buat para pengguna yang lebih expert. Agak useless saja menurutku bila menggunakan Notebook Core To Duo untuk sekedar mengetik di word ataupun ngefesbuk dan chatting. Tapi, kembali lagi ke kenyamanan masing-masing pengguna, klo lebih nyaman menggunakan layar yang lebih lebar ya why not :D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Friend's Wedding

My friend, Nuryadin (adink), will perform his wedding next week. Actually, Adink work and live in Balikpapan City but his fiancee live in Makassar city, so his party finally held in Maraja Ballroom, Sahid Hotel Makassar.

Me and my friends from angingmammiri will attend his party together. Our plan is gather at rara's home around 6 o'clock in the evening, then go to the venue around 7 o'clock at night.

I know adink few years ago, by angingmammiri blogger community. He is funny and I like his way to write a story in his blog. I meet him first at gathering event in Mall Panakukkang, and I think he is uncommunicative. We never tell about our life story each other so I do not know him much. I'm confused, what will i gift to him. According to his blog, he is a gamers, a fans of winning eleven rules. But after thinking again, I will not tell here what will I gift, it will not be a surprise again.

Selamat berbahagia kawan :)

"Baaraakallahu laka wa’alayka wa jama’a baiynakuma fii khoir, Semoga allah memberi berkah kepadamu dan kepada apa2 yang diberikanNYA kepadamu, serta semoga Allah menghimpun kalian berdua didalam kebaikan (HR. Abu Dawud)

Alhamdulillah,kabar yang membahagiakan, tiga orang teman saya mengakhiri masa lajangnya :) Selamat berbahagia kawan, semoga sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah :)

Andi Tenri Pakkua Bungawalia & Andi Rachmad Alam
24 Juni 2009

Iyta Haruna & Taufik
11 Juli 2009

Hj. Rosmuliaty Ahmad, SH & Muhammad Nuryadin Masri, S.Kom
25 Juli 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Terang saja, aku merindunya...

missing you

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Surprise Birthday Party

Surprise Birthday Party
Lagi-lagi surprise birthday party.Klo taon lalu dari Mus dan ntan, klo ini dari temen2 di astamediagroup.
Selama ini saya tidak pernah merayakan ulang tahun, tiba2 saja dua tahun berturut-turut, selalu ada surprise birthday party. senangnya berada diantara orang-orang yang menyayangi dan mencintai kita ^^
Nanie Surprise Birthday Party
Makasih buat temen-temen di Astamedia,makasih buat bonekanya ^^ mus, iQko, fatz, lhenny, arny, tadda, hasty, temen2 di bloggers cafe, juga yang udah ngucapin selamat lewat sms, facebook, ataupun email. Makasih atas doa-doanya :)

oh ya, sekedar iseng saja pengen posting birthday cake tahun ini dan tahun lalu, ada 2 kesamaannya. CHOCOLATE!!!! really, really like chocolate :D
yang kedua adalah sama2 pake lilin mati lampu T_T
Surprise Birthday Party nanie ultah nanie